Doctor Appointment

Dr. Muhammad Yahya

Dr. Muhammad Yahya


Internal Medicine

  • Qualifications FCPS, FRCP
  • Gender Male
  • Fee 1500
  • Total Experience 18 Years


Im a consultant physician with an experience of more than 18 yrs. Presently working as Prof of medicine at the Hamdard univ hosp karachi. Beside Diabetes, cardiac and lung diseases, im doing most of my practice as gastroenterologist and doing endoscopies and dealing with liver diseases as well.

Aziz Medicare


Britto Road , garden east, Karachi

Monday to Saturday

08:00 AM to 02:00 PM

Complete the form and get appointment for clinic

Some Recent Responses of Doctors to Patients' Queries

(1). better to ask advise from hospital taking misoprostol at home can have serious consequences like heavy bleeding leading to death.

(2). ui hope u have periods by now if not yet do and usg pelvis with full bladeer.

(3). 1st u need to do usg of the pelvis to check for any retained products of concetion.

(4). agreed with the given response by the respected colleague better go to hospital and carry the pregnancy may be this child will be the one most blessed and bring rizq from Allah.

A-to-Z Diseases Information
All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z