Doctor Appointment

Dr. Hanan Noor

Dr. Hanan Noor


Pediatric Gastroenterologist

  • Qualifications FCPS UROLOGY
  • Gender Male
  • Fee 1000
  • Total Experience 7 Years


Deals in all kind of open ans Endo Urological procedures. Specialized in Kidney, Ureter, Urinary Bladder Stones, Infections and cancer. Prostate Disease (BPH, Prostate Cancer) Testicular diseases (infections, tumors, hydrocele) Male Sexual Dysfunction Male infertility Urinary tract infections and.urinary Leakage Pediatric Urology and Renal Transplantation

Urolife - Urology Consultancy Clinic


Rathore Specialist Hospital, Main Sargodha Road. Faisalabad, Faisalabad

Monday to Saturday

06:00 PM to 08:00 PM

Complete the form and get appointment for clinic

Some Recent Responses of Doctors to Patients' Queries

(1). pattren of u r periods? before september in august at what time i need u r menstural calender imean u need to give me data of u r previous 3 months periods dates a nd flow u need to do an usg of u r pelvis with full bladder and share with me the report of u r usg after this we wi start the treatment in the form of medicine s u need to do ur menstruaal day 2 hormones as well serum fsh and lh levle free t4 and tsh level also.

(2). there is still a chance of pregnancy better she can do a urine pregnancy test to make sure may ALLAH guide u to right path u need to marry the fiance to make halal.

(3). i want to know that is the wt if the baby on usg ? club foot?? any chromosomal analysis offered to u for the baby as it could be edward syndrome with iugr and club foor how r the fetal movements and did u do any ctg ay fetal umbilical artery doppler done and what are the values some times we need to give steroids and deliver the baby depending on ctg findings and doppler studies.

(4). u need to reduce wt folic acid 5 mg if u dont get pregnant contact again eating medicine from start is not good for health as it has many side effects.

A-to-Z Diseases Information
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