Doctor Appointment

Dr.muneeb Ahmed

Dr.muneeb Ahmed


General Physician

  • Qualifications MBBS
  • Gender Male
  • Fee 1000
  • Total Experience 2 Years


Correct and Timely Diagnosis Provides the Best Treatment.

Shehzad Clinic


suraj miani ubl chowk, Multan

Monday to Saturday

09:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Complete the form and get appointment for clinic

Some Recent Responses of Doctors to Patients' Queries

(1). Agreed with Dr Salman Shahid but first u should have evidence to treat get test first then start treatment I think u should have ultrasound abdomen to rule out gall stones.

(2). Before proceeding as you are young need to look why high bp but first u need to check bp twice in day for one week, once in morning and once in evening if these reading are high by high mean more than 140 / 90 then need to be investigated.

(3). I think h.pylori serology is not of diagnotic significance do stool for h.pylori antigen if not taking ppi , otherwise take omeprazole 40mg before sehri or any other ppi , second avoid over eating fatty spicy food.

(4). please tell about your age detail of disease , duration medication, and your problem along with available tests.

A-to-Z Diseases Information
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