Doctor Appointment

Dr. Mussa (md)

Dr. Mussa (md)



  • Gender Male
  • Fee 500
  • Total Experience 6 Years


Dr.Mussa (MD) Estomatology, Orthodontist, barrel teeth disjunction specialist . Years of experience. Satisfying patient with well treated Condition .

Muhammadi Dental Clinic


Kalsoom hotel street , shop no . 3,4 , Barma Road hazara town , Quetta , Balochistan, Quetta

Monday to Saturday

08:30 AM to 08:00 PM

Complete the form and get appointment for clinic

Some Recent Responses of Doctors to Patients' Queries

(1). start tab primulate n 5mg three times a from 16 of April. Take it for 21 days and when you stop this medicine you will get periods for 7 days then start again the same dose and during Umarah continue the medicine during the whole stay in Saudia Arabia..

(2). PCOS is a common cause for infertility nowadays. Loose your weight and lower stress levels. do your ultrasound and share for further advice.

(3). For first time pregnancy, the mother feels movements later than females having second- or third-time pregnancy. If everything is fine nothing to worry and try to feel movements after eating food and lying on your left side and relax, you will feel in 2 or 3 weeks soon..

(4). PFO is not a cardiac Disease, dont worry , nothing to do for PFO. if any issue please visit my clinic at NICVD karachi.

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