Doctor Appointment

Dr. Syed Shahzad Alam

Dr. Syed Shahzad Alam


Eye Specialist

  • Qualifications MBBS,FCPS Ophthalmology, MBBS
  • Gender Male
  • Fee 300
  • Total Experience 20 Years


I am Dr Syed Shahzad Alam working as Assistant Consultant in King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research centre jeddah KSA. I have good experience of Medical and Surgical Retina, Glaucoma, Uveitis and cataract. I want to be serve my people dedicatedly in my expertise.

Dr Shahzad Retina Eye Care Online Services


Online, Jeddah

Wednesday to Sunday

08:00 PM to 11:00 PM

Complete the form and get appointment for clinic

Some Recent Responses of Doctors to Patients' Queries

(1). Go for Ultrasound of scrotum immediately Send me the report Than I will start treatment.

(2). Suspected chronic prostatitis Start Tab.Tamsulin 0.4mg once a day for 30 days.

(3). Dear patient. Wats been done is done . Its better to get marry with whom once its been done. But if she chooses another partner for future, council him and inform is better otherwise hymen can rupture with heavy sports too. But such circumstances are better managed according to situation at that time. Its preliminary to comment right now. Thank you..

(4). Well this patient must have been delivered by now. Thank you.

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