Dr Yasir Gilani
Associate Professor
Internal Medicine
- Gender Male
- Fee 1300
- Total Experience 20 Years
Being a health care professional I have been working with a public health care facility since two decades. My prime expertise of care involves care of diabetic patients and general medical issues like hypertension IHD and medical issues of kidney disease. I am a strong supporter of prevention is better then cure and together we can make a difference by educating our communities for better control of diabetes and hypertension to decrease morbidity and mortality.
Dr Yasir Gilani Clinic
Shah house behind lasania restaurant mirpur main sharae kurakorum, Abbottabad
Monday to Friday
04:30 PM to 07:30 PM
(1). اسلام علیکم علامات اور تصویر سے ظاہر ہوتا ہے کہ آپ کو قبض اور بیرونی بواسیر کا مسئلہ ہے اگر ایسا ایسا ھی ہے اور اندر سے مسے یا گوشت باہر نہیں آتا تو صرف قبض کا فی الحال اچھا علاج چاہیے: رات کو گرم دودھ میں پئں۔ اسپغول کا چھلکا دوبڑےچمچ کھانے میں سبزیاں پھل اور پانی زیادہ اگر مسئلہ رہتا ہے تو آ کر چیک کر سکتے ہیں.
(2). This is very non-specific symptom.i would suggest to gey MRI Head done if this situation persists or you develop any vision or bad geadaches . Thank you ..
(3). Nothing seems serious but you should take paracetamol or codogesic when pain is there and if not relieved then take tab brexin for headache.
(4). Just do stretching exercises and get xrays of your knees done if not feel OK with exercise.