Doctor Appointment

Dr. Muhammad Umar

Dr. Muhammad Umar

Assistant Professor

Laproscopic Surgeon

  • Qualifications MBBS, FCPS
  • Gender Male
  • Fee 2000
  • Total Experience 10 Years

Ammar Medical Complex


Jail Road Lahore, Lahore

Monday to Friday

04:30 PM to 06:00 PM

Complete the form and get appointment for clinic

Some Recent Responses of Doctors to Patients' Queries

(1). Artemether is given for malaria for resistant cases take that for three days twice aday n got some blood test done mpict.. Or blood culture n urine culture cbc.. To rule out dengue.. N other cause.

(2). Use xynosine drops to open nose or rhinocleinal spray for 10days n use arenac tab once aday...avoid cold drink n take yakhni kahwa n steam.

(3). Take arenac twice aday and augmenting 375tid for 7days n gargle with mouth wash or aspirin like warm water twice.

(4). Fascitis need to do heel strengthing xercise like rolling cold can under feet.. Towel n stretching of legs n foot massage with voltarel gels Take sunny D inj four in a month once a week... N Calcium daily to strengthen.

A-to-Z Diseases Information
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